Saturday, February 27, 2010


So...biking around on Mardi Gras day I found this jewel in the Mid-City neighborhood a few blocks from the Fairgrounds.  Just in time to get it ready for Jazzfest....for any friends that would like to come visit!  The SCREENED IN PORCH is what drew me to the place, such a lovely thing.  There are many more skeeters here than I thought, and they are ruthless.  It really makes hanging outside on warmer days difficult, and a screened porch allows me (and my doggies) the freedom to move between the two worlds in way more comfort.  I'm very excited...a new house, a new bike, a new outlook, a great city with an NFL championship.  Things are good.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mardi Gras - the end

Well, I missed a lot of the parades due to sheer exhaustion, and very very cold weather.  (well....cold for the 30's and 40's).  This shot, taken during the truck parades after Rex on Mardi Gras Day, sums it up pretty well.  It was a lovely, if chilly, day...warm in the sun.  I was tooling around on my (new to me) bike all over the city with John, and when we would see a good spot to catch some loot we'd stop and holler for awhile.
Here's what St. Charles Ave looks like right after the last truck rolls on Tuesday....

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Photos from the Saints parade last week - the Saenger Theatre is my photo, the rest from the Times-Picayune.  Saints superbowl win, Mardi Gras.....this town is NUTS right now.  Great, in so many ways....