This was a full weekend...started it off Friday night at the Maple Leaf going to see an African musician/dancer that's relocating here. Can't remember his name right now, he's from the Ivory Coast. I ended up chatting with a young guy who is a couple of years out of the Peace Corps/Mozambique.; I didn't realize they spoke Portugese in Mozambique. Then one of the djembe players asked me for a cig after sound check and I asked him if he was from the Ivory Coast and he says, No, Congo. Well I say Congo-Brazzaville or Congo-Kinshasha? and he says Congo-Brazzaville! Can you freakin' believe it? Well, maybe you can but he was properly surprised when I told him I'd lived in his country for almost a year. They played a rockin' set but my lightweight self had to go home after a few beers. That does not bode well for Gus' visit this weekend....
Then it was on to Mississippi for tubing on Saturday. Yes, you heard me. Toooobing in Mississippi; Ake would be proud. I am fried to a crisp after spending way too long in the middle of the day on a highly reflective surface. Serves me right.
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