- and boy, does it feel nice. Football weather. It's actually CHILLY in the morning...well, a few times so far, and by that I mean in the high 60's I think. Maybe low 70's. I've been to a Saints party/cookout one of my old neighbors had - one of his friends is such a huge fan, he's going to London to see them play in October. I saw an interview of Reggie Bush's recently in a magazine online and he talked about volunteering here in the city to help rebuild houses - I worked with the organization he was with and I know for a fact that he and the entire team worked for 1/2 a day only. The article said he worked for a week. I was so preturbed by that I wrote the damn sports editor - like it's not enough to make millions a year, you also have to lie about all the good 'work' you do in your adopted hometown. Uggh. He's not very well liked here, I'll tell you that. He hasn't lived up to his hype and Saints fans (who are quite rabid...) are pissed.
We took a field trip at work to go see the Global Green house in the Holy Cross neighborhood - a LEED platinum structure that had all sorts of neat stuff in there. No batteries for storage of the solar energy, though, and when the power's down there is no power even from solar. You can't put power back into the lines where linemen might be working for safety's sake - so a generator is still needed for power backup.
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