I realize I've posted quite a few shots of the Superdome, but it is such an imposing structure. I see it every day going to and from work and that coupled with the footage from Katrina has it woven into my subconscious. Went to my first Saints game last night for Monday night ball. A friend from work and I decided to go the day before so we bought the tickets that she would spring for (for which she would spring?). I was willing to go all out since it's something I do so rarely...plus I have no real concept of what money is but anyway the seats were in the rough, loud crowd way up in the tip top and man those stairs were STEEP! Seriously, it was so unsafe, the floor was super-slick, how many people have killed themselves in there I wonder? Due to falling, I mean, not as a result of gross negligence by the feds. But - it worked out because we decided to leave after the first quarter (it was that loud...) and on our way down we ran into some neighbors of hers who let us come hang out in their suite. Much much much better.
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