This is one of the saddest things I've ever seen. I feel so helpless, so sad. I went down to Venice a day before the president's fist visit, in early May, (he's been down here 3 times so far) and the lack of local authorities involvement in getting ready for the inevitable oil coming ashore was breathtaking. Why don't people in this region know by now that you can NOT rely on the governemt, or, least of all, on LARGE FUCKING OIL CONGLOMERATES to do the right thing! Please please please get this, people! There needs to be an organized, concerted effort of the CITIZENS in the affected area to document the ongoing situation! Take photographs. Take water samples. Take plant samples. Separate, fan out, document, repeat. That's the only way to even have a chance to get renumeration for your pain and suffering. For what you've lost.
These photographs are all AP photographs. Unbelievable.
So sad, so helpless, so doomed.
There was a 'gulf oil spill teach in' here on Thursday night that I went to.
I have somse good documents on chemical dispersants, oil in a marsh environement, and lot of websites on where to get information and good articles so far. OK, here you go, they posted them there. The thing is that oil spills in the marsh have been happening ever since oil, and oil pipes, have been laid and cut into the marshes here. At least since the 1930's, if not earlier. Nothing of this size, of course. But they know how the extremely toxic chemicals in crude affect the wildlife. For instance, oysters can't metabolize the chemicals at all. They just stay shut, quit eating, and wither away, and die. This is a well written blog on the effect of these photographs, I just broke down in wracking, body shivering tears seeing these photographs, as the blog stated would be easy to do. I'm going to get in my car and go down there this weekend again.
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