I still haven't found a roommate, I decided to get a place larger than I needed but that had all the bells and whistles because I was certain I could find a roommate easily. Well, it hasn't been easy, and that kind of sucks as it's more expensive here in some ways than I anticipated. Like car insurance. It's almost the same amount as my lease payment on a 2008 car. Crazy, right? Seriously crazy. It's time to take a good hard look at my finances, something that I haaaaaaaaate doing.
In the meantime things are moving very quickly at work, I'm having to take work home to keep up and I felt pretty overwhelmed one day last week. I had one of those days that you just have to get through so you can be happy about getting through it. Someone said to me once that they like to say in the morning, "What do I GET to do today?", not "what do I have to do today.." and that really does make a difference, if I could remember it more.
I took a long bike ride yesterday morning and found a park by the river that I wasn't aware of, I put up a couple of pics from there including one of a couple of tug boats pushing what looks like part of an oil derrick. This park was upstream from the barge accident, so no oil to speak of that I could see, or smell. Some people at work said they could smell the oil/gassy fumes after the spill for days, I couldn't but a lot of smells here are pretty new to me.
There are so many graveyards around town, there are 3 within a quarter mile of where I'm living, 2 of which are right next to each other. You can see one of them is adjacent to a school, check out the school buses and the field lights.
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