Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Experiment

This morning when the alarm went off I thought for SURE it was Saturday (and I didn't even work Monday).  Turned the damn thing off, over and over, until I realized it was only Thursday.  Hellofaway to start, at least I had my furball Oso in my arms. More of this crap, almost all day.  White bread, tuna fish, mac and cheese.  The Donald Harrison Quintet, free at Loyola, in a special tribute to Idris Muhammad. "I'm Retired.  So if you want to hear me play.. buy my records!" Drumming, New Guinea-style. Big Chief.  Indians.  Hey pockey way.  Just got back from Maine, I wonder if Big Chiefs can bring along whichever Indian they want on the tours?  "hey, Pink, get on the van, we're going to Maine."  "Ah, nah, brah! Too cold up 'ere, take Blue, he go witcha".  On my way out, thoughts come in, again.  Diana, oh Diana.

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