Saturday, November 27, 2010

Friday 11.26.10

I think it's now Saturday, but, not really.  NOLA decided to get chilly and rainy today.  Down by Harrah's I had lunch with a friend and coworker from my telecom days out west.  How much more DDA can we get Mister? Except comes another little dda on their way in to town. Doh!  And they're already putting up Xmas on Fulton Street, except they use bubbles for snow here! (it ain't DAT cold, you know).  'Rusty' Bush is what they called him. Crawfish in the bag, what? 

Nona in the evening, lots of good info, but not sure if I really get the concept.  You know...really GET the concept? The secrets, the sneakiness, that means something's not right.  That's not clear yet, I take it.

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